Category: Culture
So Uncle George and Cousin David of the chosen ones. …stepped into the lions den yesterday and delivered a budget that shocked the world.. or did it.

It didn’t shock me, in fact I took no notice of it, not until people I know are thinking along the lines of the fallen Roman Empire, hence my response.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock these past twenty years.. these cuts have been happening all the time. And the only reason you have bothered to take notice now, is the media spin on everything gloomy.

If this is the end of the modern world UK style then bring it on.

I’m all for it.

We’ve had worse times. I mean musically its pretty dire out there - granted.

But out of crap times comes great things.  The only difference now is that you are piled up under a mountain of debt brought about by these lovely governments of the world, who told you to spend, spend, spend - Viv Nicholson style.

And you did, like never before.  Alas now comes payback time

Cuts in social and welfare services… well that’s been coming a long time, no such thing as a free lunch kids.

Increases in VAT and Tax..  someone’s gotta pay as Uncle George and Cousin David won't pay.. no siree..  that’s your job..

But keep Tobacco and Alcohol in check.. of course.. drink yourselves into oblivion on us.. after all we’ll continue to make devil's work.. only you won't notice, because you aint noticed so far.. we’ve been doing this for over 500 years, people.

Retirement age increased.. we get the picture.. work harder.. for less longer for less rest.. keep working..well until you can't.

Then.. well then it doesn’t matter.. we’ve had the best years of your lives.


What would happen if 200,000 people handed back their keys to their over priced homes, that they hold so dear like an ash urn of a loved one?

What then.

Would the banks chase you for the debt ..their debts.. not yours?

Nah.  You see, unless you all think rationally about everything, then nothing will change.

Change comes from within.

Try it.

© Words – Paul Gallagher / ZANI Media