Category: Culture

I was watching the events unfold at Millbank on television yesterday afternoon as were many people. A cancelled appointment at about 4pm meant i could go down and take a look and try my hand (for the first time) at some photojournalism. I really expected the area to be sealed off but when i came out of Pimlico station only the buzzing of several helicopters above betrayed that something was going on further ahead. A few students outside the Tate and hardly any police as i approached Millbank Tower.

Once there it was obvious the main event was over but there was still some friction and a number of protesters still confronting the police beneath the tower and within the courtyard. The police presence seemed quite measured at that stage and they slowly began to move people out from the building. A good natured sit down protest took place for a while and then seemed to disappear quickly. I took some photos to upload to an agency - i among many other photographers and some tv crews.  The police began to encircle a hardcore remaining and there were a few scuffles but it appeared the majority of the student protesters felt their point had been successfully made and had decided to call it a day, and i soon did the same.

© Words and Photos Nick Ensing