Category: Culture

Isn't all this communication on social networks just a front for a lack of self-esteem? From 'Producers' and 'Directors' schmoozing with 'actors', to 'actors' schmoozing with wannabe glamour babes, to prostitutes in denial publishing their wish lists, to celebrities documenting their public break up's. Do they really think that the world sits in anticipation dying to know what they think of everything? Or do we?

Why can't these people have some dignity and keep their cock pocket shut about their constant twaddle that drivels through their over happy tweeting fingertips? Would they ask the person behind them in the supermarket to vote for them as the next top glamour babe for some publication or another? Would they tell the person in the public toilet in about their break up? No, so why do these people feel the need to spout about their private crap online. Like spoilt children they cannot resist an online bit of publicity to boost their declining ego of self worth in the hope of worshiping and amorous support from their army of slavish skivvy followers, who hang on their every word re tweeting in the hope of a tweet back.

Tweeting seems to make the most ordinary person feel wanted. Tweeting things like... "just dropped a load in the toilet, feel great lol!!" to Katherine Jenkins denying an affair with David Beckham that nobody had heard about anyway. Who the hell actually cares? And who the hell are these millions of followers following.

The whole twitter thing seems to be an exercise of self-admiration for a network of narcissists and one which has allowed a string of untalented people to gain celebrity status on twitter, without any hard work. From the Jobless dipstick who has no idea what he wants to be famous for but still brought hundreds of pounds worth of fake followers with his Nat king Cole money to the lonely hearts still following their ex boyfriend's with a fake account and profile picture. The words "do something with your lives" clearly doesn't apply to this bunch of rag tags!

Surely the more time people spend communicating from behind computer screens, the less time they develop emotionally. In a world of social networks is it any wonder that 32 year old men are still living at home in their mothers house in a single bed? It's easier to press the delete and block button than hold a reasoned conversation with someone you disagree with over your two bob rave or low budget film.
Twitter is like a growing mental institution, if you have a keyboard then you have the keys to the lunatics asylum it seems to be the only place on the planet where it is acceptable to talk to a wall and not get sectioned.   

It still leaves the question unanswered; who is the biggest twit? The twit twittering or the twit following the twit?   

© Words Gia Marie Barbera